Protect Yourself Against:
Protect Yourself Against:
Plumbing drains dry out quickly allowing bacterial laden and explosive methane gases to accumulate within the home. Heat pumps covered in snow freeze up and the result is the shortened life of expensive components or worse yet, immediate failures in the dead of winter with no heat to your home. Electrical breakers can trip and other inexpensive components can fail on essential heating and freeze protection devices leaving your home at significant risk. The experts agree that the lack of use or “exercise” of the many systems in a home actually results in more and earlier than expected problems.

Plumbing drains dry out quickly allowing bacterial laden and explosive methane gases to accumulate within the home. Heat pumps covered in snow freeze up and the result is the shortened life of expensive components or worse yet, immediate failures in the dead of winter with no heat to your home. Electrical breakers can trip and other inexpensive components can fail on essential heating and freeze protection devices leaving your home at significant risk. The experts agree that the lack of use or “exercise” of the many systems in a home actually results in more and earlier than expected problems.

Vacant homes
Vacant homes also are attractive to vandals, burglars and squatters, especially furnished homes with heat, cable TV and expensive electronics. A number of absentee owners believe that their neighbor, friend, family member, real estate agent are watching their house. In reality, most people wait until the smoke is coming from the house or water is pouring out under the front door before calling you. At other times, it could be the water utility contacting you to advise you that you just spent a $1000 on water during the last two months even though you weren’t home-all from frozen/broken water pipes in your home. Those that do walk through your home may truly have good intentions but they have very little or no training at all. How often will they go into your property? Do they use a comprehensive checklist system to properly inspect and test all components? How do you monitor and make sure they are doing what they promised to do or if they even showed up? What happens to your friendship/relationship if an incident happens? How do you later approach them if they forget to lock your door properly when they leave? Ask yourself the question: “Can (insert name) be trusted with my personal retirement portfolio for a month or more?” If the answer is a resounding NO!, why would you trust the management of a valuable investment, your vacant or vacation home, to them? Your home is truly alone and doesn’t it deserve professional management?
Comprehensive Checklist Systems
Lake Chelan Home Watch customizes its comprehensive checklist systems for each and every client. We tailor our professional services for your unique situations and house systems. We inspect your property on a pre-determined schedule. We walk around the exterior and interior of your home using our checklists and we immediately report back to you our findings and recommendations after each inspection. We check for damage, vandalism, signs of forced entry and we exercise your HVAC, plumbing and other systems to keep them functioning. We remove any mail, flyers, leaflets, newspapers and door hangers that indicate to potential burglars that your home is vacant. We implement a “Simulated Occupancy” program that creates the impression that someone is home. We monitor your refrigerator and freezer temperatures to identify when food may no longer be safe to eat due to power outages. We periodically monitor plumbing systems and do leak detection testing on main supply meters and toilets in order prevent exorbitant water bills.

Comprehensive Checklist Systems
Lake Chelan Home Watch customizes its comprehensive checklist systems for each and every client. We tailor our professional services for your unique situations and house systems. We inspect your property on a pre-determined schedule. We walk around the exterior and interior of your home using our checklists and we immediately report back to you our findings and recommendations after each inspection. We check for damage, vandalism, signs of forced entry and we exercise your HVAC, plumbing and other systems to keep them functioning. We remove any mail, flyers, leaflets, newspapers and door hangers that indicate to potential burglars that your home is vacant. We implement a “Simulated Occupancy” program that creates the impression that someone is home. We monitor your refrigerator and freezer temperatures to identify when food may no longer be safe to eat due to power outages. We periodically monitor plumbing systems and do leak detection testing on main supply meters and toilets in order prevent exorbitant water bills.
In addition to our basic Home Watch services, we can also take care of these additional items:
- Scheduled change out of air filters
- Replace batteries on smoke and CO detectors
- Alarm Response Service
- Package Acceptance Service
- Food Cold storage fridge/freezer monitoring
- Trash can and recycling management
- Houseplant Care
- Stored Vehicle start up/exercise service
- Schedule and/or meet contractors
- Meet delivery and other service providers
- Seasonal House Closing/Opening Services
- House and Carpet Cleaning Services
- Mail Collection/Forwarding Service
- Emergency Contact Service
- Pre & Post – Storm Inspections
- Construction Management of Remodel Projects
Scheduled change out of air filters
Replace batteries on smoke and CO detectors
Alarm Response Service
Package Acceptance Service
Food Cold storage fridge/freezer monitoring
Trash can and recycling management
Houseplant Care
Stored Vehicle start up/exercise service
Schedule and/or meet contractors
Meet delivery and other service providers
Seasonal House Closing/Opening Services
House and Carpet Cleaning Services
Mail Collection/Forwarding Service
Emergency Contact Service
Pre & Post – Storm Inspections
Construction Management of Remodel Projects

Your Personal Advocate
Being your personal advocates, we are here to take away the stress and worry of dealing with an absentee/vacant home. Many insurance companies now require routine monitoring of vacant homes as a policy condition and having a professional Home Watch company routinely checking your property assists you in meeting these new insurance requirements. We are your eyes and ears for your home when you simply cannot be here to perform those tasks. We are also accredited members of the National Home Watch Association NHWA and subscribe to a very high set of industry standards which requires us to be looking out for your best interests at all times while maintaining your privacy and confidentiality. Your home and teenagers are much alike if left alone, they can both get into trouble rather quickly. So don’t leave your home alone!